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Omayra Molina speaks to the Parent Ambassadors on Action in Advocacy


The Arts Ambassadors Program is an initiative that trains Newark parents and caregivers from all wards and backgrounds to act as the arts education organizers and ‘HUB’ of their local community, as well as champions for increased Arts Education in their children's schools.


Over the course of six months, our Ambassadors engage in both in-person and virtual classes with experts on different social topics within Arts Education, while partnering with Mentors who assist them in developing a topic that will become an ongoing advocacy project. 

Topics include: 

  • Issues/Systems in Arts Education & Public Education

  • Inclusion and Agency: Students with Special Needs/LGBTQIA Students & Pronouns

  • Arts Ed Advocacy Tools

  • Building an ongoing peer learning community 


We provide a safe educational space, a warm meal, childcare and a stipend at the end of the program. 



Class of 2024


“The value this program has had in my life is unmeasurable. I met new friends and like minded peers. I gain the confidence to properly advocate for my child. I learned how to find and read a school budget, what questions to ask and who to ask them to when trying to resolve a problem that pertains to my child's education. I also was able to create a project for a cause I believe in with my peers that could really help my community.” --parent ambassador

“This program has shown me what it is to be able to speak out and be able to sit in a room full of other educated people and feel empowered.” --"parent ambassador"


“I do have a voice and can make a significant difference in advocating for my child and other students.” --parent ambassador

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Class of 2023



Kaleena Berryman (2023 & 2024)

A2 Lead Program Facilitator

  • Parent Advocate

  • Rooted Social Justice Organizer, Educator, Consultant

  • Executive Director, Newark Youth Career Pathways


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Richard Marshall (2023 & 2024)

A2 Mentor

  • Director of Program Operations, Marketing & Community Outreach, Newark School of the Arts

  • AEN Leadership Council Secretary

  • Breaking For Gold USA Dance Council

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Monifa Kincaid (2024)

A2 Mentor

  • Program Director for the Youth Arts Ed Council and Community Engagement Activator

  • Founder of Newark Dances

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Alicia Pinnix Robinson (2023)

A2 Mentor

  • Founder and Director of Artfikaa

  • Retired Newark Public Schools Arts Educator

  • Member of The National Art Educators Association


Tyneisha Gibbs (2023)

A2 Mentor

  • Director of Policy and Youth Advocacy;

  • Non-Profit Professional of Color Collective Co-Founder & Executive Director

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Andrew Binger (2024)

A2 Mentor

  • Actor, Director, Educator

  • Artistic Director of Yendor Theater Company

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Markeisha Ross (2023)

A2 Mentor

  • Author of A Mother’s Struggle in the Public School System

  • Parent Advocate for Special Education and Family Support Services

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Victoria Marie 'Vicki' Fernandez (2023)

A2 Mentor

  • Grunin Foundation

  • Director of Thriving Communities

  • Non-Profit Professional of Color CollectiveCo-Founder



Rosie Grant (2023 & 2024)

A2 Facilitator

  • Executive Director of the Paterson Education Fund

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Dr Leah Z Owens (2024)

A2 Facilitator

  • Founder & Owner of Just Writing, LLC

  • Education Committee Chairperson, Newark NAACP

  • Former at-Large Member of NPS Board of Education 2016-2019


AnnMarie Miller (2024)

A2 Panelist

  • Former Director of Advocacy & Public Policy ArtPride New Jersey

  • Chair of Arts Ed NJ

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Wendy Liscow (2023 & 2024)

A2 Panelist

  • Executive Director of Arts Ed New Jersey

  • AEN Engagemement Committee Member

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Samantha Lott-Velez (2024)

A2 Panelist

  • Assistant Superintendent of Newark Public Schools

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Ennis Carter (2023)

A2 Facilitator

  • Founder & Director of Social Impact Studios

Thank you to our sponsors !
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